Saturday, April 28, 2012

Denver Brewery WalkAbout

I was in Denver last week and was able to take some time to hit up a few breweries that were within "walking distance" from my hotel. I wish I would have had time to check out a couple more that were near that area, but I just couldn't get away from work commitments.

I made some notes on my phone about the beers I was able to sample and would like to share them with everyone. Some are more detailed/complete than others...unfortunately, no pictures for these reviews.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Bear Republic Hop Rod Rye

Bear Republic Brewing Co.
345 Healdsburg Ave.
Healdsburg, CA 95448

Bear Republic has some solid brews, most notably Racer 5 IPA. So when I had the chance to try something a little bit different I thought I would give BR a shot.

They did not disappoint...

Rye Specialty Ale (8%ABV)

Friday, April 6, 2012

Lagunitas IPA

Lagunitas Brewing Company
1280 North McDowell Boulevard 
Petaluma, CA 94954

Lagunitas has become one of my favorite breweries over the past couple of years. I have been impressed with all of their beers that I have had the opportunity to consume.

The first beer from Lagunitas that I will review is their basic IPA.

IPA (6.9% ABV)

Pours super clear with a nice caramel color. Nice 1cm head on first pour. Very light lacing.  Small bubbles. Agitation will reform head of 3mm
Flowery, hints of melon and honeysuckle. Resin
Bright and bitter up front. Slightly sour with a smooth finish. Bitter aftertaste.

Medium bodied and astringent.

This beer is a clean easily drinkable IPA.  I would easily recommend this beer as a nice thirst quencher on a hot summer day.